Come and join artist in residence, Lindsey Colbourne, and [?? how to describe you] Wanda Zyborska in a dynamic exploration of the past, present and future monuments and memorialisation of Llandudno. We’ll be looking at what we found on our 8-hour walk around Llanudno, and what it says about the town in the light of Wanda’s own research and practice, current high profile iconoclasm and discourse on public monuments and their subjects across the globe.
Wanda’s walk with Lindsey is just one of many walks Lindsey has undertaken over the last month. During the evening there will be an opportunity to meet others who have been involved, and to get a sneak preview of the emerging results, together with further opportunities to contribute to the People’s Map of Llandudno (which may, or may not, itself be a piece of memorialization).
Light refreshments will be served!
Wanda is one of the leading artists in North Wales. She takes a conceptual approach to making, employing mixed media (including performance, 2D, video and 3D work) in gallery and site-specific work, while remaining engaged with process. She exhibits nationally and internationally. Wanda teaches fine art and contextual studies at the University of Wales, Bangor.